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Saturday, September 16, 2006

The Responsible Frumpy Girl...

So last night I was invited to a birthday party at a friends house....her kid was turning 8 and our kids are friends so I figured I would go...

Let me fill in with a little background on this story so you will understand where I am coming from:

R: This is a girl I have known for about 4 years...In the beginning we were inseperable friends...but then she became a raging alcoholic, and her marriage started to fall apart...and she stopped giving a shit about anyone but herself...so naturally we grew apart because I am the complete opposite of that...I am very focused when it comes to my kids, and marriage...and as of lately I don't drink at all..so every conversation we have had over the last year has centered around her getting her "freedom" so that she can "follow her dreams" since she has been caged and held back for so long by her kids and family....(sounds like a fucking nut doesn't she??)

Rose: This is a girl I just met for the first time last night who as far as I can tell is a cleaner(Read: showers every day) version of R. Still an alcoholic due to the large amounts of Jagerbombs(A shot of Jager with a small cup of red bull, and positively nasty if you ask me)that she did last night..but let me get to the story now that you have all of that..

SO....I arrived at R's house last night at around I would say 5pm...the kids started to play and everything was groovy...then this girl Rose comes out and starts talking to me...I had dressed for comfort in my favorite black stretch gauchos and a tye dye shirt so I thought I was relatively cute...my hair was in a ponytail but I had no makeup...I knew it was going to be hot so what was the point?? So about an hour into our conversation Rose looks at me and starts telling me about how I should go lay in a tanning bed and tan since "she could tell I didn't feel beautiful"......

WHAT THE FUCK??? What did she say??

I don't feel beautiful?

How could you tell that just by looking?? And by the way....I don't need to fake bake and wear padded push up bras to feel beautiful...beauty comes from within....at least that's what I always thought...

So needless to say I avoided miss Rose the cunt the rest of the evening...

And as soon as we went home I cried in the bathroom for an hour...

Bart..My husband says it's silly that I let that bitch get to me....but let's face it..I do not have the greatest self esteeem...and it took a serious blow last night...

Why would a complete stranger say something like that to me??

Anyways....I think I am pretty well done with R too...her and Rose did about 12 Jagerbombs and dumped all the kids on me to watch while they went down to the garage to smoke....I guess I got singled out to be the responsible one since I was sober...

Oh well...story of my life I guess...the ugly responsible girl...*sigh*

When did I become the frumpy, serious, sensitive girl...?

I guess I just needed to vent...


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