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Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Warm Delights To The Rescue..

So yeah....I've been really depressed today....and weepy...and given what COULD be said to me tomorrow at the doctors office....terrified....

Let me introduce you to my new best friend...

Betty Crocker Warm Delights....these heavenly little individual servings of gooey bliss....totally not diet friendly....(who gives a shit right now right?)

I discovered these marvelous things a few weeks back....and bought a couple to have in the pantry...needless to say I have had at least one a day since...today I had 3....all at one time...in one sitting.....for dinner...

I don't even want to think about how many calories or fat grams I consumed....all I know is that either the chocolate or the sugar one made me feel marginally better than I did before....

Don't ask me why this whole cancer thing has me so freaked right now....I know that if that's the case it's totally treatable...(providing it was caught in time..) but I think that the treatment itself is what scares the hell out of me..not the cancer itself....

You see...the internet is a beautiful research tool....anything you want to know you can find if you know how to properly search for it....

In my case I wanted to know what the usual treatments were for Cervical and Uterine Cancer....

So off to Google I went....and here's what I found after a week of deep digging...

Most of the time a radical hysterectomy is performed, (with an abdominal incision instead of the nice bikini cut for usual hysterectomies)along with the removal of the ovaries and tubes...(and usually the cervix and top third of the vagina..).then during that same surgery the Gyn/Oncologist will usually section the lymph nodes in the pelvic cavity for pathology to see if they have cancer cells in them as well..(this is NOT good....as it means that definitely the cancer has spread..)then there is a pelvic wash performed where the doctor washes all of the organs remaining in the pelvic cavity and sends that fluid to pathology too... Usually the patient is allowed to recover for 4-6 weeks from this surgery before they start Chemotherapy and Radiation....

But let's talk for a minute about the prospect of surgical menopause....when you are 30 and have your ovaries removed you are then in menopause....overnight...no easing in...no gradual giving out of the ovaries...we are talking one day you are not in menopause...and the next you are full blown....hot flashes..the whole nine yards...scary thought huh?? And for some women who get cancer Hormone Replacement Therapy isn't an option...due to the fact that something in the drugs can cause a faster reoccurence of their cancer...nice thought huh??

On to the Chemotherapy...

Surprisingly enough the cocktail of drugs used in Chemotherapy for these types of cancer usually doesn't cause hair loss(which was a huge relief for me) but the side effects are nonetheless the same as most Chemotherapy drugs....vomiting, fatigue, and generally shitty feeling....But keep in mind that if the first cocktail doesn't have the desired affect then they move on to the big dogs....and those definitely make you lose your hair....(I have already researched wigs don't worry I refuse to be bald!!)

And then there's the effects of the radiation....

There are two types of radiation treatments used in these types of cancers....external rads, and internal rads....the external aren't so bad....can cause minor burns to the skin and serious diarrhea issues.....but the internal rads...that's a whole other ballgame...internal rads can totally degrade the "girly no touchy spot" meaning NO MORE BIG O's....which is seriously depressing being I am only 30!!

But I guess that if you are still alive after it's all over you count your blessings and move on....but it's just so much for me to wrap my head around right now...

So for now I am going to bed....I am going to try not to think about any of this anymore and get some sleep...I have the appointment at 10am in the morning....I will come back and post what happens as soon as I know...

Peace out..


Posted by Catwmn :: 9:02 PM :: 0 Comments:

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