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Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Two Years....

It's been two years today since my father passed away...

I knew this day was coming for a long time and tried my best to prepare myself for it but it still sucked really bad anyways...

I scheduled a TON of appointments for this week to keep me busy but it didn't work...I was not able to "fool" myself into acting like it was a normal day...

I find it very hard to believe that it has been two years since he passed...hell to me it seems like just months...strange how time flies when your NOT having fun.....

Tonight I am going to let myself have a good cry over a rum and coke, take a bubble bath and then go to bed....I thought things were supposed to hurt less as time passed but it seems that the longer it's been the more I miss him...(damn therapists dont' know what the hell they are talking about)

I have an appointment tommorrow with a Gyno Doc...I will find out finally what is going on with my female organs and what can be done about it..(I'm really hoping that he will just say "let's get em' out").I do not have a GOOD feeling about this appointment at all....as a matter of fact it feels much like a VERY BAD thing to me...but I will cross my fingers anyways and say a prayer...

On a sidenote....I had a Dermatologist appointment today to have that pesky rash checked out....apparently I have a skin fungal infection..(yay) So now I have to take these pills and use a cream for the next six months...and it could leave permanant scars..(yay again) And listen to the instructions on the pills....take one tablet and wait an hour...then force a hard sweat for 3 hours....then wait at least 4 hours before bathing....then wait a week and repeat....

Apparently I take the pill and it takes an hour to get into the bloodstream....then I work out really hard and sweat a lot and it comes out into my skin, and treats the rash....strange huh?? Hopefully it will work...

This is what I was diagnosed with..Tinea Versicolor

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