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Saturday, August 26, 2006

Stressed Out..

So the last couple of days I have been totally stressed out..

I have some medical appointments coming up next week that have me VERY worried, and nervous...I pray that everything tests out ok though...because if not my life is about to take a SERIOUS nosedive into the can...

I have been having "lady" issues for the past 3 years....it has reached a point now where I am ready to have a FULL hystorectomy and get it over with....I know it's drastic measures but with the crap that's been going on with me lately I would much rather have full menopause now than what I am dealing with...

I go on Thursday and should know shortly after that if my Dr. will even consider it..I have asked/begged for the last several years to just do the surgery since obviously I am not planning to have any more kids...but he has always told me I was too young and it was too radical to do that....

I have had several female organ cancer scares over the last decade....I am sick of worrying about it and figure if there are no more female organs there can't be any cancer there...makes sense to me....somehow the doctor doesn't see my side of the fence the way I do...plus living with the "cycles" I have (if you could even call them that since more often than not I am "visiting Aunt Flo" Seriously I counted last month and Aunt Flo stayed for 16 days....not fun..)it would be a huge blessing not to have to deal with that anymore....

So if anyone actually reads this please say a prayer for me...and pray for the doctor to finally see things my way....I have already told my mother that if he won't do the surgery I will find a doctor who will....I cannot live the way I have been living any longer...this is totally miserable....the pain, and exhaustion of it all is too much to bear and still be an active mommy with my boys...seriously..

I have several friends who have had Hystorectomies and they all tell me their quality of life was MUCH better afterwards....no more PMS, no more periods....and that alone would be worth all the money in the world to me...

So that's where my head is at today and until Thursday...I will keep you all updated....Promise..

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