Wednesday, August 16, 2006
First Day Of Shool....
Today is the first day of school for my kids... The morning went off without a hitch...surprisingly enough... I had all their clothes laid out last night and they were bathed before bed...this way when we got up this morning all we had to do was eat and get dressed and was so relaxed and unrushed this morning which is a BIG switch from last year...we will definitely hold on to that routine from here on out.. Here are some pics of the boys in their first day of school attire..
Austin didn't really want to wake up...but eventually he did...
Christian eating Breakfast..
Aaron Eating Breakfast..
Gee...Don't they look happy!
So that's this morning in a nutshell... I am going to visit a friend and hang out with NO KIDS for a little bit... Will update later...
Technorati : First Day Of Shool, Photos
Posted by Catwmn ::
9:23 AM ::