Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Humpday Already!!
So it's feels like this week is flying by! I have to go today and register the kids for school, which I am VERY excited starts in two weeks on the 16th! Hooray!! I can finally have a life again! I have spent the past couple of days setting up my routines from the Flylady program. For those of you who have never heard of Flylady it is an amazing system. When I am following the program like I am supposed to my home seems to clean itself. The theory is that by doing small things each day in routines it doesn't pile up and become a HUGE mess..which is the state my home is in now... Flylady has a book out that I own and I have read several times...I pulled it off the shelf again this week to refresh myself again since this time I am planning on sticking to the routines for good.... Sink Reflections: Overwhelmed? Disorganized? Living in Chaos? The FlyLady's Simple FLYing Lessons Will Show You How to Get Your Home and Your Life in Order--and It All Starts with Shining Your Sink! Here is the basic description of how Flylady works... You start out by first "shining your sink", this means that you empty the sink out first..(duh) and scrub the hell out of it until it gleams...for me this took comet, a razor knife(for the goo around the edge) and some bleach....then your initial goal is to make sure that every night before you go to bed your sink is shiny and empty to greet you the next morning... The theory behind the shiny sink is that it will be a will spread through the whole house..which is true for me...once I got the sink thing cabinets stayed clean, and then it spread to the stove, and then the floors....and before I knew it the whole house was clean daily...but you have to follow the routines...which was very tough for me at first because I am a total procrastinator.... I have 3 basic routines for each day.... Morning Routine: Wake up and do self care,then get dressed, then coffee and email, then wake the kids and feed them, then feed myself and take my supplements, then dress the kids, and get them off to school. ( I also start the laundry in the morning, and do light cleaning in the bathrooms, and make all the beds and generally pick up most of the house so that when we leave in the morning for school the house is already straight for the day) Afternoon Routine: This routine starts at 11am with lunch for me and my afternoon supplements, followed by a walk on the treadmill during my soaps, then I spend 45 minutes doing some deep cleaning in the house, followed by 15 minutes of speed decluttering also known as the "27 Fling Boogie"...The 27 Fling Boogie is set a timer for 15 minutes, and grab a large black trashbag and pick a room...then you go in there and for 15 minutes you toss stuff into the bag that either is garbage, or you don't need it anymore, or it just doesn't bring you joy anymore....My ultimate goal is to be able to walk through my home someday and only have items that bring me joy...I know that sounds silly but if you saw my home right now it is piled high with clutter that seems to suck all of the joy out of me.. The rest of the afternoon routine is that I take something out for dinner, finish the laundry, and pick the kids up from school and do homework, and stuff.. Evening Routine: This routine is the heart of Flylady's system...I make dinner, and then totally clean the kitchen including sweep the floor, then set the coffee pot, and shine the sink, bathe the kids, lay out their clothes for the next day and get everything ready for in the morning including their lunches packed....this makes mornings much easier..since most of the work is already done... After a few months of following the routines the house seems to be free of clutter (for the most part) and free of dirt!! And you never get overwhelmed with things piling up because they don't if you are following your routines... I would highly suggest the Flylady program to anyone who is finding it hard to manage their home...I know that when I am following my routines things are much easier and I am much less stressed.. Anyways...I gotta go do some more stuff...I will post more later if anything else interesting comes to mind.. Cat Technorati : Cleaning, Clutter, Flylady, Humpday, Organizing, Routines
Posted by Catwmn ::
12:45 PM ::
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