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Friday, July 28, 2006

Blogging...And The Joy That Comes From It..*Edited and Updated*

I was doing some random thinking today about blogging...

My husband doesn't understand the need I have to blog...and he doesn't understand the need to read other people's blogs..I have tried my best to explain it using my voice in speaking to him...but I am not good at that so I thought maybe I would try to write how I feel about it..

Where blogs are concerned it is an outlet for me...a way for me to get my feelings and thoughts that float around in my skull out where I can process them and they can be processed by others..

I would much rather write an email to someone than talk to them on the phone...usually because I cannot get the words in my head into sentences to speak...Don't' know if that makes much sense..but I can always get my feelings on paper, or on a computer screen..it's just the nature of who I am..I can't do anything about it..nor do I wish to..I am not sorry about it..nor do I feel guilty because of it...

Everyone is different...one man's paradise is another man's hell...this is the way it is with me and Bart...he hates to write, read, type do anything having to do with words...yet he is in the sign business...which is ALL words... His special talent is with Machines...you know the ones that spew out smoke, and engine grease...big hillbilly trucks, and old jeep willy's wagons...that's what he loves...I love words...I find a special comfort in writing and reading...I am sure he feels the same about his Machines...

I, on the other hand LOVE to read, write, type, but can hardly stand to be on the phone...or generally "talk" to people...I think if I have something to say to someone I would do much better writing it to them in a letter or email...I find it much easier to convey what I am thinking and what is going on in my head in this type of medium...When I am on the phone my thoughts seem to be scattered and unorganized...yet when I go to write them down..they flow freely and without hindrance..

So there it is...why I love to blog...I could never sit in front of someone and "tell" them about my day...I would do a much better job of getting my point across in written format...with the use of verbs, adjectives, nouns and the like....I enjoy painting pictures with words...

Posted by Catwmn :: 5:40 PM :: 1 Comments:

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