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Thursday, August 31, 2006


Apparently I do not have cancer...(thank God!)

What I do have however are fibroid tumors in my uterus....(not fun..but WAY better than cancer)..

They are treatable and usually don't turn into cancer or anything like that...

I am definitely celebrating tonight....

Also..My thyroid is larger than it's supposed to be so they are running some tests for that as well...

I will write more later after I get done doing the happy dance...


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Posted by Catwmn :: 3:02 PM :: 0 Comments:

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Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Warm Delights To The Rescue..

So yeah....I've been really depressed today....and weepy...and given what COULD be said to me tomorrow at the doctors office....terrified....

Let me introduce you to my new best friend...

Betty Crocker Warm Delights....these heavenly little individual servings of gooey bliss....totally not diet friendly....(who gives a shit right now right?)

I discovered these marvelous things a few weeks back....and bought a couple to have in the pantry...needless to say I have had at least one a day since...today I had 3....all at one time...in one sitting.....for dinner...

I don't even want to think about how many calories or fat grams I consumed....all I know is that either the chocolate or the sugar one made me feel marginally better than I did before....

Don't ask me why this whole cancer thing has me so freaked right now....I know that if that's the case it's totally treatable...(providing it was caught in time..) but I think that the treatment itself is what scares the hell out of me..not the cancer itself....

You see...the internet is a beautiful research tool....anything you want to know you can find if you know how to properly search for it....

In my case I wanted to know what the usual treatments were for Cervical and Uterine Cancer....

So off to Google I went....and here's what I found after a week of deep digging...

Most of the time a radical hysterectomy is performed, (with an abdominal incision instead of the nice bikini cut for usual hysterectomies)along with the removal of the ovaries and tubes...(and usually the cervix and top third of the vagina..).then during that same surgery the Gyn/Oncologist will usually section the lymph nodes in the pelvic cavity for pathology to see if they have cancer cells in them as well..(this is NOT good....as it means that definitely the cancer has spread..)then there is a pelvic wash performed where the doctor washes all of the organs remaining in the pelvic cavity and sends that fluid to pathology too... Usually the patient is allowed to recover for 4-6 weeks from this surgery before they start Chemotherapy and Radiation....

But let's talk for a minute about the prospect of surgical menopause....when you are 30 and have your ovaries removed you are then in menopause....overnight...no easing in...no gradual giving out of the ovaries...we are talking one day you are not in menopause...and the next you are full blown....hot flashes..the whole nine yards...scary thought huh?? And for some women who get cancer Hormone Replacement Therapy isn't an option...due to the fact that something in the drugs can cause a faster reoccurence of their cancer...nice thought huh??

On to the Chemotherapy...

Surprisingly enough the cocktail of drugs used in Chemotherapy for these types of cancer usually doesn't cause hair loss(which was a huge relief for me) but the side effects are nonetheless the same as most Chemotherapy drugs....vomiting, fatigue, and generally shitty feeling....But keep in mind that if the first cocktail doesn't have the desired affect then they move on to the big dogs....and those definitely make you lose your hair....(I have already researched wigs don't worry I refuse to be bald!!)

And then there's the effects of the radiation....

There are two types of radiation treatments used in these types of cancers....external rads, and internal rads....the external aren't so bad....can cause minor burns to the skin and serious diarrhea issues.....but the internal rads...that's a whole other ballgame...internal rads can totally degrade the "girly no touchy spot" meaning NO MORE BIG O's....which is seriously depressing being I am only 30!!

But I guess that if you are still alive after it's all over you count your blessings and move on....but it's just so much for me to wrap my head around right now...

So for now I am going to bed....I am going to try not to think about any of this anymore and get some sleep...I have the appointment at 10am in the morning....I will come back and post what happens as soon as I know...

Peace out..


Posted by Catwmn :: 9:02 PM :: 0 Comments:

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Gone Away....In Honor Of Today...

Music Video Codes by VideoCure.com
The Offspring-Gone Away
Maybe in another life
I could find you there
Pulled away before your time
I cant deal its so unfair

And it feels
And it feels like
Heavens so far away
And it feels
Yeah it feels like
The world has grown cold
Now that youve gone away

Leaving flowers on your grave
Show that I still care
But black roses and hail marys
Cant bring back whats taken from me
I reach to the sky
And call out your name
And if I could trade
I would

And it feels
And it feels like
Heavens so far away
And it stings
Yeah it stings now
The world is so cold
Now that youve gone away

Posted by Catwmn :: 6:28 PM :: 0 Comments:

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Two Years....

It's been two years today since my father passed away...

I knew this day was coming for a long time and tried my best to prepare myself for it but it still sucked really bad anyways...

I scheduled a TON of appointments for this week to keep me busy but it didn't work...I was not able to "fool" myself into acting like it was a normal day...

I find it very hard to believe that it has been two years since he passed...hell to me it seems like just months...strange how time flies when your NOT having fun.....

Tonight I am going to let myself have a good cry over a rum and coke, take a bubble bath and then go to bed....I thought things were supposed to hurt less as time passed but it seems that the longer it's been the more I miss him...(damn therapists dont' know what the hell they are talking about)

I have an appointment tommorrow with a Gyno Doc...I will find out finally what is going on with my female organs and what can be done about it..(I'm really hoping that he will just say "let's get em' out").I do not have a GOOD feeling about this appointment at all....as a matter of fact it feels much like a VERY BAD thing to me...but I will cross my fingers anyways and say a prayer...

On a sidenote....I had a Dermatologist appointment today to have that pesky rash checked out....apparently I have a skin fungal infection..(yay) So now I have to take these pills and use a cream for the next six months...and it could leave permanant scars..(yay again) And listen to the instructions on the pills....take one tablet and wait an hour...then force a hard sweat for 3 hours....then wait at least 4 hours before bathing....then wait a week and repeat....

Apparently I take the pill and it takes an hour to get into the bloodstream....then I work out really hard and sweat a lot and it comes out into my skin, and treats the rash....strange huh?? Hopefully it will work...

This is what I was diagnosed with..Tinea Versicolor

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Saturday, August 26, 2006

Stressed Out..

So the last couple of days I have been totally stressed out..

I have some medical appointments coming up next week that have me VERY worried, and nervous...I pray that everything tests out ok though...because if not my life is about to take a SERIOUS nosedive into the can...

I have been having "lady" issues for the past 3 years....it has reached a point now where I am ready to have a FULL hystorectomy and get it over with....I know it's drastic measures but with the crap that's been going on with me lately I would much rather have full menopause now than what I am dealing with...

I go on Thursday and should know shortly after that if my Dr. will even consider it..I have asked/begged for the last several years to just do the surgery since obviously I am not planning to have any more kids...but he has always told me I was too young and it was too radical to do that....

I have had several female organ cancer scares over the last decade....I am sick of worrying about it and figure if there are no more female organs there can't be any cancer there...makes sense to me....somehow the doctor doesn't see my side of the fence the way I do...plus living with the "cycles" I have (if you could even call them that since more often than not I am "visiting Aunt Flo" Seriously I counted last month and Aunt Flo stayed for 16 days....not fun..)it would be a huge blessing not to have to deal with that anymore....

So if anyone actually reads this please say a prayer for me...and pray for the doctor to finally see things my way....I have already told my mother that if he won't do the surgery I will find a doctor who will....I cannot live the way I have been living any longer...this is totally miserable....the pain, and exhaustion of it all is too much to bear and still be an active mommy with my boys...seriously..

I have several friends who have had Hystorectomies and they all tell me their quality of life was MUCH better afterwards....no more PMS, no more periods....and that alone would be worth all the money in the world to me...

So that's where my head is at today and until Thursday...I will keep you all updated....Promise..

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Posted by Catwmn :: 8:30 AM :: 0 Comments:

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Thursday, August 24, 2006

This Is My Song For Tha' Day....

It's an old one....but one of my personal favorites...


Eleven - Reach Out
Music Video Codes By Music Video Code

Posted by Catwmn :: 8:19 PM :: 0 Comments:

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Wednesday, August 23, 2006

I Finally Did It!!

I finally mailed in my secret to postsecret today.

For those of you who don't know what PostSecret is it's this community art project where you make a postcard with a secret on it...(it mus be personal, and it must be a secret that nobody else knows, and it must be YOUR secret) then you mail it to the address and visit the site every sunday looking for it...

Go HERE to visit the site....there are new secrets posted every sunday and this site has changed my life..(Thanks again Esther for the link...)

Anyways....I will be patiently waiting to see if it shows up on the site...I will post here when it finally does...


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Posted by Catwmn :: 8:57 PM :: 1 Comments:

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Back By Popular Demand....

Ok so I got the emails asking where the hell I had fallen off the face of the earth to....well here I am...I have been crazy busy since school started....

I now have 3 count'em 3 kids with homework....which takes up a whopping 4 hours in the afternoon from 4-8 and then baths and bedtime...(somewhere in there we fit in dinner)

Yesterday I spent the day with a girlfriend yesterday and went with her while she got a tattoo....it was cool, and I think I found where I am getting mine done at..

Today I am staying home and getting some things done around the house and then I am off to the post office to mail off some packages...

I will post more later when I get a chance...I am off to workout now..


Posted by Catwmn :: 8:47 AM :: 0 Comments:

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Wednesday, August 16, 2006

First Day Of Shool....

Today is the first day of school for my kids...

The morning went off without a hitch...surprisingly enough...

I had all their clothes laid out last night and they were bathed before bed...this way when we got up this morning all we had to do was eat and get dressed and go...it was so relaxed and unrushed this morning which is a BIG switch from last year...we will definitely hold on to that routine from here on out..

Here are some pics of the boys in their first day of school attire..

Austin didn't really want to wake up...but eventually he did...

Christian eating Breakfast..

Aaron Eating Breakfast..

Gee...Don't they look happy!

So that's this morning in a nutshell...
I am going to visit a friend and hang out with NO KIDS for a little bit...
Will update later...

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Posted by Catwmn :: 9:23 AM ::

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Oh MY GAWD!!! It's 80's Techno Day!!

I was doing some surfing of the net today for some old school 80's Techo and look what I found....Makes me wanna load the ipod and go for a run....
The Headhunter song is a classic...and so is the American Soviets...I was only 13 when I started listening to this stuff....brings back lots of memories..

Front 242- Headhunter CCCP- American Soviets

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Posted by Catwmn :: 10:32 AM :: 0 Comments:

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Monday, August 14, 2006

If Only It Were That Easy...

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48 Hours...

Just 48 more hours til the kids go back to school....I will be taking them to class in 48 hours....I am downright giddy with excitement....

Here is what I am planning for Wednesday after I take the kids to school....

See?? Nothing...Absolutely Nothing....I am bringing my big lazy butt home and plopping it on the couch and enjoying the silence..

Now Thursday, That's a horse of a different color...I am hoping to get back to the Gym, and Weight Watchers, and my "normal" kids are in school routine...but as for Wednesday..I am going to be a lazy sloth....

Today I am planning on getting some more housework done and getting the kids school supplies packed into their backpacks...

That's it..I may update later on if I get a chance...

Peace out..

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Posted by Catwmn :: 8:34 AM :: 0 Comments:

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Sunday, August 13, 2006

An Epiphany Of Sorts...

I was in Kroger this evening with Bart and we were shopping...I was particularly crabby and he asked why, to which I replied, "Because I don't feel good!, and I'm tired.."

And then it hit me....I CAN'T REMEMBER THE LAST TIME I FELT GOOD!!!!

I mean feeling good...the kind of good that puts a smile on your face....the kind of good where you feel energized after a night's sleep, the kind of good to where you just want to go "aaah I feel great!!"

Nope...been a LONG time since I felt good....so long in fact I would say it's been at least a couple of years...

That's not good is it? To totally feel fatigued, and braindead, and irritated all the time!!

No...I don't think so...but it's the sad and honest truth...

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Posted by Catwmn :: 8:16 PM :: 0 Comments:

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Almost Ready To Begin...

We have finished all of the clothes shopping for the kids as of yesterday...I wish I had known to start saving at the beginning of the summer for this because it has totally wiped us out financially and we haven't even bought supplies yet..

We go to meet the teacher night tomorrow night and see which teachers which kids got...(maybe they will say they have enough supplies..or maybe that's wishful thinking..LOL)

Anyways..I am finishing up on getting all of their stuff washed and sorted and in their days of the week clothes organizers I got for their closets....

So far for all three kids I have two full weeks of school clothes prematched, with socks and underwear sorted into the proper day on their closet sorter...Yippee for me!! Now if I could just keep it up like that there will be much less stress on school mornings..

I am off to do some more preparations and feed myself something as I am starting to get the shakes I am so hungry..

Cya laterz..

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Posted by Catwmn :: 2:02 PM :: 0 Comments:

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Friday, August 11, 2006

I Can See Clearly Now...

So yesterday I spent the entire day in my kitchen going through my cabinets and getting rid of stuff that I didn't need anymore...I am sitting here looking at 7 boxes of tupperwares with no lids, or lids with no containers, or pitchers without lids, or just general infomercial junk that I don't need..

I had these two huge stainless steel shelving units in my kitchen that were a catch all for everything that came into the house...it was really sad...I threw away so much stuff yesterday that I have reduced that to ONE stainless steel shelving unit that hardly has anything on it....

And now you can open any cabinet or drawer in my kitchen and clearly see what it contains and find what you need without ANYTHING falling and hitting you in the head..

Today I am going to clean out the refrigerator, pantry, and the top of the refrigerator and do the same thing there...I think the food bank in town will be happy after I am done today because I am SURE there are tons of food items in the pantry I will NEVER cook...

So off I go to get back to my work...just thought I would post an update...


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Posted by Catwmn :: 9:09 AM :: 0 Comments:

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Thursday, August 10, 2006

Intrigued but also Terrified..

CONAIR 208 Infiniti Tourmaline Hair Designer and Dryer

CONAIR 208 Infiniti Tourmaline Hair Designer and Dryer

Have you seen these things? I am both intrigued and terrified of these things. The theory is that if you have one of these babies you can straighten your hair WITHOUT a straightener...

I spent a hundred dollars about a year ago on a VERY EXPENSIVE CHI straightener....I love what it does for my hair, and I love the way my hair looks when it is TOTALLY straight...but I don't like the amount of time it takes to get it the way I like it...

So I am thinking of getting one of these at least to try out..You just blow dry your hair and straighten it at the same time...sounds intriguing, but also looks dangerous like it could pull your hair out too...we'll see...

This is one of those things I imagine all the "high maintenance bitches" use...LOL


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Posted by Catwmn :: 2:06 PM :: 0 Comments:

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Decluttering and Paring Down...

So I did some Paring Down, or Decluttering I guess you could say to the blog.

I had received some complaints about how long it was taking for the page to load and the culprit seems to have been the flicker badge, and the tagboard, among other javascript sidebar items...So I took them off...and the page DOES load MUCH FASTER now....which is good...

Tell me what you think.

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Posted by Catwmn :: 9:20 AM :: 0 Comments:

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Tuesday, August 08, 2006

High Maintenance Bitches...

I have been doing some thinking lately about these girls that you would categorize as "High Maintenance"

Tina and I were talking today about my thinking about becoming one of these girls....

Then I started thinking about all the work involved in being.."High Maintenance"

Weekly facials(60-100.00 a week)

Weekly manicures and pedicures(for acrylics this would be around 50.00 a week for both mani and pedi)

Daily blowouts on the hair(free if you can do it yourself and have the time..)

Monthly hairstyling by a Pro(this includes color and styling at around 200.00)

Waxing(and we're not just talking eyebrows...we're talking the whole ball of wax)..and this would be required monthly.. (Legs, Brazilian, eyebrows, and upper lip 150.00 monthly)

Gym workouts with trainer 5 days a week..(45.00 a session X 5 = 225.00 a week)

Tanning at least 3 days a week..(30.00 a month for unlimited tanning where I go)

So without makeup costs and hair product costs that totals 1,880.00 a month to be high maintenance...

And that doesn't include the Louis Vuitton bags, and Gucci Sunglasses, and expensive clothes...

OR the Lexus SUV...

SO...even if I wanted to be one of these girls I certainly couldn't afford it....

But I guess I can dream....

Tina and I were joking around that when the kids go back to school we were going to become "high maintenance bitches"....

Or as close to it as we could afford....

We'll see what happens....LOL.

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Posted by Catwmn :: 7:13 PM :: 0 Comments:

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Remember That Nice Camera I Just Got??

Well I was looking for it yesterday to take some more pictures of Tina's leg as it was healing and I couldn't find it anywhere...I asked the kids if they had seen it and they all denied ever seeing the damn thing..

So I started tearing the house apart looking for it, I had just put it on the coffee table that morning in it's case and walked away for just a minute when it disappeared...

Guess where I found it?

Behind Christian's bed...yep, broken of course, the zoom lens was stuck in the extended position and there was an error message on the screen..

Christian naturally denied touching it but there was evidence....

He had taken pictures of his hat, and his feet with it before breaking it...

So I called canon and they said because the damage was caused by the camera being dropped on it's lens it would not be covered under warranty and the repair would cost 200bucks!!

I am sending it off tomorrow...I called the site I ordered from and tried to get an RMA but they said that they test all equipment before shipping it out and they KNEW the camera was fine when I got it so they would not exchange it for another camera...BUMMER!!

I will never again leave it on the table, that thing will be in my purse, or on a high shelf for the rest of the duration of my ownership with it...

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Posted by Catwmn :: 4:27 PM :: 1 Comments:

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Sunday, August 06, 2006

Stay Away From Freakin' Spiders!!

My good friend Tina was in her yard on monday moving around some bricks and debris, and apparently she was bitten by a Brown Recluse Spider. She didn't know she had been bitten until Wednesday when her leg began to swell and get really sore. She noticed that there was a small hole with some black stuff in the center. So she called and made a doctor's appointment. Unfortunately the appointment wasn't until Friday.

When she went into the doctor her leg was so infected and swollen that the doctor said she couldn't touch her until she had taken antibiotics. So she was sent home on Antibiotics and told to come back on Saturday to see if the doctor could open the wound and drain it. (Yuck)

Here is what her leg looked like on Friday..

So Tina stayed with me on Friday night so I could care for her and I took her back to the doctor on Saturday morning. It was a VERY hard morning for us all. The doctor shot her leg with some numbing stuff,(Lidocaine I think) and then opened the hole with an X shaped incision and pushed and pressed until a LOT of nasty stuff came out....then she cleaned it out and packed it with this stringy yellow gauze stuff...and then she told me....that I would have to take the gauze out every 7 hours, irrigate the wound, and repack it....And seriously I didn't know if I would be able to do it but guess what?? I have done it now TWICE!! And yes it is hard, because I love my girl and don't want to hurt her, but if this infection continues to spread she would end up in the hospital and I don't want that...so I do this for her to keep that from happening...

Here is what her leg looked like on Saturday when we were waiting for the doctor to Lance the bite...

Below are pictures of what her leg looked like at 2pm on Saturday when we cleaned and repacked her wound the first time after it had been lanced...

Below are pictures of what the leg looked like today when I cleaned and repacked it this morning. MUCH BETTER!! Apparently we are doing SOMETHING right!!

See how the redness has gone down?? The packing from the night before is still in..

Bart took some pictures of me while I was packing the area back up...Enjoy!!

See? This is what REAL FRIENDS are for!!!

See?? Now wasn't that fun??
I have to clean and repack it again tonight so I will update with new pictures then...
Peace Out!

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Posted by Catwmn :: 7:34 PM :: 2 Comments:

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Friday, August 04, 2006

Thank GOD It's Friday!!

I am so glad it's Friday....This week has seemed to both Fly and Crawl at the same time...

Yesterday my father in law took the kids to the beach and I got to spend most of the day cleaning in my office and getting rid of papers that I swear were a decade old...I'm serious..I am that much of a packrat...

It's Tax Free weekend this weekend for school stuff so we are going to go and take care of that this weekend...school supplies alone will cost us 150 bucks for the 3 boys so having no tax on that will be nice, and then there's the issue of clothes for 3 kids, I don't even want to think about how much that's going to cost...but we'll take care of it somehow..

Today I am planning on doing some more decluttering, and a walk on the treadmill, and this afternoon I am babysitting for a friend while she goes to the doctor..

And then tonight I think I may just open that bottle of Bacardi Vanilla on top of the refrigerator and make me a nice stiff drink....hey..it's friday...I am entitled to have a little fun aren't I?

Here are some pictures from the beach yesterday....looking at them reminds me of just how cute my boys are..

This is Austin with a bucket of shells....looking all surly and stuff..

This is Aaron with his bag of shells....apparently there weren't enough buckets to go around..LOL

You would never guess they are twins would you? They look nothing alike to me..but I swear it..they're twins!(Christian and Aaron)

Well, I gotta get to work if I am going to accomplish anything today...peace out...and I will update later on if I get a chance...

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Posted by Catwmn :: 10:10 AM :: 0 Comments:

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Thursday, August 03, 2006

For Some Reason I Can't Stop Listening To This Song...

This song is by the Deftones and I totally love it...I have probably listened to this song over a hundred times today while I was cleaning...

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Posted by Catwmn :: 7:20 PM :: 0 Comments:

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Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Humpday Already!!

Sink Reflections: Overwhelmed? Disorganized? Living in Chaos? The FlyLady's Simple FLYing Lessons Will Show You How to Get Your Home and Your Life in Order--and It All Starts with Shining Your Sink!

So it's Wednesday...it feels like this week is flying by!

I have to go today and register the kids for school, which I am VERY excited about....school starts in two weeks on the 16th! Hooray!! I can finally have a life again!

I have spent the past couple of days setting up my routines from the Flylady program. For those of you who have never heard of Flylady it is an amazing system. When I am following the program like I am supposed to my home seems to clean itself.

The theory is that by doing small things each day in routines it doesn't pile up and become a HUGE mess..which is the state my home is in now...

Flylady has a book out that I own and I have read several times...I pulled it off the shelf again this week to refresh myself again since this time I am planning on sticking to the routines for good....

Sink Reflections: Overwhelmed? Disorganized? Living in Chaos? The FlyLady's Simple FLYing Lessons Will Show You How to Get Your Home and Your Life in Order--and It All Starts with Shining Your Sink!

Here is the basic description of how Flylady works...

You start out by first "shining your sink", this means that you empty the sink out first..(duh) and scrub the hell out of it until it gleams...for me this took comet, a razor knife(for the goo around the edge) and some bleach....then your initial goal is to make sure that every night before you go to bed your sink is shiny and empty to greet you the next morning...

The theory behind the shiny sink is that it will be contagious...like a smile..it will spread through the whole house..which is true for me...once I got the sink thing down..my cabinets stayed clean, and then it spread to the stove, and then the floors....and before I knew it the whole house was clean daily...but you have to follow the routines...which was very tough for me at first because I am a total procrastinator....

I have 3 basic routines for each day....

Morning Routine:

Wake up and do self care,then get dressed, then coffee and email, then wake the kids and feed them, then feed myself and take my supplements, then dress the kids, and get them off to school. ( I also start the laundry in the morning, and do light cleaning in the bathrooms, and make all the beds and generally pick up most of the house so that when we leave in the morning for school the house is already straight for the day)

Afternoon Routine:

This routine starts at 11am with lunch for me and my afternoon supplements, followed by a walk on the treadmill during my soaps, then I spend 45 minutes doing some deep cleaning in the house, followed by 15 minutes of speed decluttering also known as the "27 Fling Boogie"...The 27 Fling Boogie is fun..you set a timer for 15 minutes, and grab a large black trashbag and pick a room...then you go in there and for 15 minutes you toss stuff into the bag that either is garbage, or you don't need it anymore, or it just doesn't bring you joy anymore....My ultimate goal is to be able to walk through my home someday and only have items that bring me joy...I know that sounds silly but if you saw my home right now it is piled high with clutter that seems to suck all of the joy out of me..

The rest of the afternoon routine is that I take something out for dinner, finish the laundry, and pick the kids up from school and do homework, and stuff..

Evening Routine:

This routine is the heart of Flylady's system...I make dinner, and then totally clean the kitchen including sweep the floor, then set the coffee pot, and shine the sink, bathe the kids, lay out their clothes for the next day and get everything ready for in the morning including their lunches packed....this makes mornings much easier..since most of the work is already done...

After a few months of following the routines the house seems to be free of clutter (for the most part) and free of dirt!! And you never get overwhelmed with things piling up because they don't if you are following your routines...

I would highly suggest the Flylady program to anyone who is finding it hard to manage their home...I know that when I am following my routines things are much easier and I am much less stressed..

Anyways...I gotta go do some more stuff...I will post more later if anything else interesting comes to mind..


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Posted by Catwmn :: 12:45 PM :: 0 Comments:

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Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Photoblog from Yesterday's Photos

This is one of my beautiful kitty cats Max. He's so pretty!!

This is Prissy one of my other beautiful kitties...She has no tail..

This is a Rock we have for decoration on our porch railing...

This is Austin doing his impression of The Rock from WWF.

This is Christian with Cheeto Cheese still on his face from lunch.

Playing with the Black and White setting on the camera..

Aaron with Chip Dust on his face too....Should have used the red eye reduction.

This is my Pimped Out Golf cart...Cool huh?

This is a photo of a statue we have in our front yard...

Here are Aaron and Christian sitting on the couch...Dang I guess their faces are STILL dirty..

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Posted by Catwmn :: 9:35 AM :: 0 Comments:

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Digital Cameras...A Comparison..

Samsung Digimax S800 8.4MP Digital Camera with 3x Optical Zoom (Silver)

I was playing around with that camera yesterday and realized what a turd it really is....so I went to amazon to read the reviews on it....it got some of the lowest reviews of any 8mp digital camera on the market..

Samsung Digimax S800 8.4MP Digital Camera with 3x Optical Zoom (Silver)

So this is the camera I have now.....It takes two double A batteries, which it drains in about 6 pictures...and then you turn the camera off for a minute and the battery meter is back up to full power...strange...

Canon Powershot S80 8MP Digital Camera with 3.6x Wide Angle Optical Zoom

Canon Powershot S80 8MP Digital Camera with 3.6x Wide Angle Optical Zoom

This is the camera I just placed an order for yesterday...I figured that since it got such rave reviews on Amazon it had to be a good camera...(and don't worry I didn't pay 800 bucks for it like Amazon was selling it for.it was under 400 bucks at another place I found it, with an extra battery pack, and free shipping 2nd day air....how could I pass that up?

I will be following this post up with some of the shots taken with the Samsung Camera yesterday..

Technorati : , , ,

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