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Saturday, March 18, 2006

Ahh Spring...

Not two weeks ago everything was dead...now it is all green and alive again..I love this time of year...Now if the Hummingbirds would just come back everything would be right with the world again...

How would you like to wake up and see this outside of your kitchen window every morning?

I will never again be a "city girl".....Bask in the greenness.......Awesome....

Posted by Catwmn :: 3:10 PM :: 0 Comments:

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Friday, March 17, 2006

It's Friday!

Well Happy St. Patty's Day everyone!! Are you going to go and have some green beer?? The closest thing to green I will be having today is the lettuce and cucumbers in my salad tonight...But I am a Coonass and not Irish so that is ok.....

Yes....it is Friday....It has been a very long week...I am glad it is nearly over...The kids will go back to school on Monday..which will be a very nice change of pace for me...Then I can get back to my Gym regimen...hopefully now that I am following the Abs Diet it will show some results..

The eating plan is not so bad...6 small meals a day spaced about 3 hours apart...centered around what they call the 12 power foods....of course you are not limited to these foods but they should make up the majority of your diet...I had a Clif Bar, Protein shake, Salad, some lean chicken breast, and oatmeal, so far today...For dinner I plan to eat some more Salad and some special 12Veggie soup I made several months ago that is in the freezer.(Will post the recipe later at the end of this post)..Later tonight I may have some Yogurt for something sweet..I have not felt deprived all day..which is a welcome change from me usually eating two meals a day and feeling hungry all the time..

So far this weekend is looking pretty good...Bart has finished most of his BIG jobs for the week and now we get to collect the money..which is my favorite part...We should get some time this weekend to just sit back and relax for a little while....

Anyways..Here is the Veggie Soup Recipe..

Catherine's Veggie Soup(Adapted from the Weight Watchers Garden Vegetable Soup Recipe)

Two Large Bottles Organic Tomato Juice Or Vegetable Juice Blend

2 Zucchinnis(Organic)

2 Yellow Squash(Organic)

1 head of garlic(Peeled and chopped)

1 yellow onion chopped

1 red onion chopped

1 bag of organic baby carrots, sliced

2 cans of organic stewed tomatoes

1 can of organic sweet peas

1 can of organic yellow corn

1 can organic garbanzo beans

1 bag of spiral whole wheat pasta

Salt and pepper and other spices to taste..

Saute` the onions and garlic in a small amount of olive oil until see through...

Add on vegetable juice and bring to a boil

Add the zucchinni and squash and carrots and simmer until nearly cooked....dump in the canned veggies and the whole wheat pasta..simmer until the pasta is al dente...

That's it!! It is very filling with some good crusty multigrain bread fresh out of the bread machine...

You can substitute pretty much any vegetables ou like...sometimes I put cabbage in it which makes it especially filling...and since it freezes well I make it in large batches and then put it in ziploc containers in the freezer and eat it whenever I want...Since I am the only one in the house who will touch it with a ten foot pole there is always plenty for me!

Anyways..I am off to cook dinner..



Posted by Catwmn :: 6:50 PM :: 0 Comments:

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Tuesday, March 14, 2006


Ok so let's get one damn thing straight....Who the hell is this SPRING BREAK supposed to be for?? I mean pardon me but it certainly isn't a break for me....and the kids...well why do 6 and 8 year olds need a break?? I have been one giant ball of stress since I picked them up from school on Friday...and trust me this is not my fault...it is because I have two 6 year old boys(..yes twins)and one 8 year old boy ...if it's not one thing it's another...and to top it all off Bart is not going to have one single day off during the whole 9 day stretch....Joy...so guess who will be stuck in the house for 9 days straight with 3 severely overactive boys...You guessed it right...ME!!!

The kids have already driven me to tears twice today....It wouldn't be so bad if they would just do ONE thing I asked them to do...help me pick up all their toys...but instead they have successfully destroyed what small part of the house I had cleaned already...(Sorry Mom and Jack but the house is just going to be messy...cause I GIVE UP!!!)

(Begin Edited Paragraph)

Now don't get me wrong...I love my kids dearly and love spending time with them...But 9 days straight 24/7 with 3 extremely active boys is enough to drive anyone crazy...I would give anything for maybe a two hour "me time" break in there every other day...to fit in a workout...or a bubble bath...whatever..I am sure I am not the only mother that feels this way...So being judged for showing stress on a blog is just wrong..(you know who you are) This is my arena..MY page to put MY feelings on...NOBODY has the right to judge me for what I write here or tell me that my feelings are wrong or unjust..Walk a day or two in my shoes and I am sure you will feel the same way...To comment that I must not love my kids or want to be with them is preposterous...I am just an overstressed mother who needs to vent from time to time..So there...It's out in the open now...

(end edited Paragraph)

And then there is Prissy...my no tailed calico cat that is fiercely in heat that puked on my bed today...GROSS!! So basically I feel like I am going insane...between the one cat who pees on stuff and the one cat who pukes on stuff...I just can't catch a break...

Guess I just needed to vent....


Posted by Catwmn :: 6:38 PM :: 0 Comments:

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Well I had to cancel my appointment with my trainer this morning at the gym....Aaron is worse today than he has been all week..I am starting to wonder if it is really allergies or something more serious...So it looks like I will be taking him to the doctor today instead of working out with my trainer...Bummer...Today will be day 5 since I have been to the gym...which means it will be like starting all over again when I do finally get to go back which will apparently not be until next monday....wonder how much weight I will gain between now and then? Not to mention that it is a wonderful stress reliever to work out...so I guess I will be double stressed this week with the kids home and no workouts...

Oh well..Guess that's the way the cookie crumbles..


Posted by Catwmn :: 7:12 AM :: 0 Comments:

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Monday, March 13, 2006

General Bitchiness....

Ok so today I am bitchy....don't really know what is going on...maybe it is PMS maybe just tiredness...I have so much to do and don't know where to start...ever had one of those days?? I bet you have...

Anyways..Just wanted to get that off my chest..


Posted by Catwmn :: 9:51 AM :: 0 Comments:

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So it's Monday morning....

I am trying to decide what time I want to go to the gym today...I know I need to go since it has been 4 days since I went..otherwise it will be like starting all over again the next time I go...

I have a training appointment in the morning with Meagan...I am going to bring my Abs Diet workout book and have her teach me some of the exercises in there...

Today I am going to work some more on the house and try to get the cat pee out of the futon...

So now you're wondering how cat pee got on the futon to begin with...well..we have a cat named Oscar that for some reason likes to pee on clothes or blankets....usually he is not allowed in the house but Bart let him in yesterday for just a little while...I had clothes folded on the futon and he peed on the clothes...Thank God I had a really thick waterproof mattress pad on there so I just had to throw that away but now I have to wash all the clothes a few times that he peed on...and make sure that none of it soaked through..to the mattress...I do have some Simple Solution though so if it did I can get it all out..

So that is my day in a nutshell today..

Catch ya later..


Posted by Catwmn :: 8:16 AM :: 0 Comments:

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Sunday, March 12, 2006

Sunday Update....

Today has been rather productive...

Here is what I have done so far...

1. Filled hummingbird feeders...( I cannot wait for them to come back and grace us with their beauty!)

2. Filled bird feeders on porch..

3. Moved grill to where it is supposed to be....now I just need to clean it good so we can start using it again..

4. Totally cleaned and dusted the living room..

5. Trimmed and watered all the plants on the porch..

6. Started on cleaning the kitchen..

Shawn and Rebecca are coming tonight with their kids to visit so I am trying to get the house all clean for them...Plus Sadie and Jack(my step-mother and her boyfriend) are coming to visit(I hope) on Friday so I want to have the house all clean for them too...

So here is what is left to finish before Friday:

Clean the kitchen from top to bottom

Clean both bathrooms from top to bottom

Clean both of the kids bedrooms totally.

Totally dust and vacuum the entire house

Finish and put away all the laundry..

I have my work cut out for me...especially since it is spring break and the kids are out of school which means that each room that I clean will be trashed in a matter of minutes...(why do I even bother?)

So there it is...in a nutshell..

Posted by Catwmn :: 6:23 PM :: 0 Comments:

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Friday, March 10, 2006

Awesome New Music Artist

Eye To The Telescope

Eye To The Telescope

This you have to check out....The Big Black Horse and A Cherry Tree song rocks!!


Posted by Catwmn :: 8:23 PM :: 0 Comments:

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Spring Break...

Well today was the last official day of school for the kids for a week. I am trying to make the best of it though...I have planned a Bowling Day with Tina and her kids...and a Park day with Tina and her kids...I am not sure how much I will be able to get to the gym this next week due to the fact that the kids will be home during my usual gym time..

Aaron is really sick too...which will have a great affect on what happens next week for us. Some kind of severe hayfever thing..YUCK.

Anyways...I am off to do dishes and switch clothes from washer to dryer..Will post more later on


Posted by Catwmn :: 8:21 PM :: 0 Comments:

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Thank God It's Friday!!

The Abs Diet Get Fit Stay Fit Plan : The Exercise Program to Flatten Your Belly, Reshape Your Body, and Give You Abs for Life!The Abs Diet Eat Right Every Time GuideThe Abs Diet: The Six-Week Plan to Flatten Your Stomach and Keep You Lean for Life

The kids have school pictures today so right now I am in a mad rush to get clothes washed for them and get them bathed...Fun Fun.

Aaron will be staying home today due to the fact that his eyes are glued shut and he has a terrible cough...sounds like severe allergies to me...I gave him two teaspoons of benadryl last night and he was asleep before an hour was up...I think I will go and get him some children's allergy meds today...

I needed a day off from the gym anyways...I am feeling a little run down...all this hard exercise five days a week has taken a toll on me...plus I am frustrated that I am seeing no results... I did talk to another trainer yesterday and he said that once my body was used to all this it would drop the weight...it is confused right now and doesn't know what is happening so it is holding on to the weight to protect itself...once it gets used to the activity it will drop the weight....

I got some books yesterday that I think will help a lot though...The ABS diet and the two companions The Abs Diet Eat Right Every Time Guide and The Abs Diet Git Fit Stay Fit Plan...I already read all three of them cover to cover...(yes I am a speed reader) I will post more on the program later when I have more time...But let's just say I think this will really help me lose the weight...(And see my abs again for the first time in about 10 years!!)

Off to get the kids ready for school..


Posted by Catwmn :: 7:25 AM :: 0 Comments:

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Thursday, March 09, 2006

Texas Politics.....

So we are up for election of a new Governor for TX. I have been checking out the candidates websites...I found the guy I am voting for!!!

Kinky Friedman For Governor of Texas

Check out his site...Given all the other ultra conservative repiglican assholes that are running....he is the best choice....GO KINKY!!!! (I can't help but snicker when I read that...LOL)

Back to my morning Java..


Posted by Catwmn :: 6:31 AM :: 0 Comments:

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Good Morning

It is Thursday..

My wonderful son Aaron woke us all up at 5 with the playstation....apparently he and Christian started out on the Leapster and then decided that was boring so they moved on to the Playstation..(I guess I have to start unhooking it from the TV when we go to bed)

Anyways, I am going to the Gym again today...I have been going pretty much 5 days a week for the past 3 weeks and I have not lost any weight and as a matter of fact I have gotten bigger...So could someone explain to me how you can work out two hours a day 5 days a week and gain weight and get bigger?? I mean I am now a larger, harder version of my former self...when what I wanted was to be smaller and smoother...Oh well..My trainer says that eventually it will kick in and I will see results.(.then she said all of the usual things.Muscle weighs more than fat...blah blah blah..)My metabolism is screwed up from all the crash diets and starving myself and up and down with the weight and all...I didn't put these 30 pounds on in 3 weeks and I shouldn't expect to get them off that fast either..

We have a bad line of Thunderstorms headed our way...So I have to get going with the kids baths and stuff in case we lose power when it gets here..(we are under a tornado watch right now) I think I need to wash a load of clothes too so they have clothes to wear...Off to have more coffee and stuff...Will write more later on..


Posted by Catwmn :: 6:10 AM :: 0 Comments:

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Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Awww...Bask in the sweetness...

From an email I recieved today:


Being a veterinarian, I had been called to examine a ten-year-old
Irish Wolfhound named Belker. The dog's owners, Ron, his wife,
Lisa, and their little boy, Shane, were all very attached to
Belker and they were hoping for a miracle.

I examined Belker and found he was dying of cancer. I told the
family there were no miracles left for Belker, and offered to
perform the euthanasia procedure for the old dog in their home.

As we made arrangements, Ron and Lisa told me they thought it
would be good for the four-year-old Shane to observe the
procedure. They felt as though Shane might learn something from
the experience.

The next day, I felt the familiar catch in my throat as Belker's
family surrounded him. Shane seemed so calm, petting the old dog
for the last time, that I wondered if he understood what was going
on. Within a few minutes, Belker slipped peacefully away. The
little boy seemed to accept Belker's transition without any
difficulty or confusion.

We sat together for a while after Belker's death, wondering aloud
about the sad fact that animal lives are shorter than human lives
Shane, who had been listening quietly, piped up, "I know why."

Startled, we all turned to him. What came out of his mouth next
stunned me. I'd never heard a more comforting explanation.

He said, "People are born so that they can learn how to live a
good life -- like loving everybody all the time and being nice,
right?" The four-year-old continued, "Well, dogs already know how
to do that, so they don't have to stay as long."

Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply, Speak kindly. Leave the
rest to God.

Posted by Catwmn :: 5:56 PM :: 0 Comments:

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Monday, March 06, 2006

Something You HAVE to see!!

I got an email today...Enjoy..

This is Google getting their views out before getting a gag order.

FYI: You probably shouldn't access this at work since it is a song with the word asshole in it....

In what is a not too subtle dig at Bush's subpoena of their search records, Google is getting
their own nasty dig at 'W' before the gag orders go into effect.

I don't know how long this will work, but go to www.google.com

and type in the search word: asshole

Then hit the "I'm feeling lucky" button right below the Search.

I have to admit I absolutely admire Google's nerve.

"Trying to eliminate Saddam… would have incurred incalculable human and
political costs… We would have been forced to occupy
Baghdad and, in effect,
rule Iraq… There was no viable 'exit strategy' we could see, violating
another of our principles. Furthermore, we had been consciously trying to
set a pattern for handling aggression in the post-Cold War world. Going in
and occupying Iraq… would have destroyed the precedent of international
response to aggression that we hoped to establish. Had we gone the invasion
route, the United States could conceivably still be an occupying power in a
bitterly hostile land. George Bush Sr., "A World Transformed (1998).


Posted by Catwmn :: 6:22 PM :: 0 Comments:

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Sunday, March 05, 2006

A Rant About Myspace.Com

Ok so I joined myspace a while back and so far it is nothing but teenagers searching for booty who can't spell correctly...WTF??

When did the english language get so destroyed....If I see another word interspersed with hearts, or heartagrams or a mixture of upper and lowercase but still spelled wrong I will scream!! Surely these people don't actually write like this in school....and why would I waste my time loading a myspace profile that takes ten forevers due to all the stupid graphics and music that has to load..and lets not forget the horrid choices of colors that make them nearly impossible to read.....Keep it simple idiots...I don't care who your favorite band is....nor do I give two shits about all your other teenage drama queen friends..

I cannot tell you how many people i have rejected as friends on myspace...it is really ridiculous...I got on there mostly for my brother and sister and step mom and a couple of other friends...plus there are some really cool local bands who have pages on there that I visit...not bad...but not worth all the other tramps and sluts you have to deal with to get to it...I cannot tell you how many girls and guys between the ages of 16-23 have asked me to add them as a friend...and why?? So I have to deal with your little slutty drama?? No thanks....Don't drag me into your crap...I don't care now...and I never will care who screwed who this weekend and where..And I really don't care if you like peanut butter and oreos...I mean really...does the entire world need this information to survive??

Ok getting off my soapbox now...


Posted by Catwmn :: 10:29 AM :: 0 Comments:

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Saturday, March 04, 2006


Well today has been a rather relaxing day...

I spent the entire day outside with the kids...now we are back inside and I am noticing that I have a touch of sunburn...Go figure..a sunburn in March...

Anyways...I have to figure out now what I am cooking for dinner..should be interesting since I have nothing in the freezer...Ramen noodles for dinner?? Maybe..

Gotta get going,


Posted by Catwmn :: 6:45 PM :: 0 Comments:

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Random Thoughts on Parenting....

I have been thinking a lot lately about parenting styles...I know everyone has their own...

I was raised in a very strict household...I don't even remember having a date until I had moved out of the house at 17...(Not to say I didn't sneak around at school with boys...but for the most part I was pretty straight and pure until I moved out of the house)

I have started thinking about how I will handle this situation with my boys when they are older...Austin is 8 and already has a girlfriend at school..I find notes in his backpack all the time...it is so cute..He is still at the phase where he thinks girls are kinda yucky but he likes this girl and so they write cute notes back and forth...his usually have flames and hearts on them and hers have hearts and rainbows...ahh puppy love...

Aaron who is 6 "claims" to have a girlfriend in 5th grade...LOL

Personally it scares the crap out of me to think of my boys dating....If I had it my way they would be locked up until they were done with college and could support themselves(and any illigitimate children they may have..) but I can't do that so now I have to start thinking about what I will say to them to make them be "smart" when it comes to girls and you know the birds and the bees...

I learned about the birds and the bees from a filmstrip and pamphlet in school in health class...I do not want my boys to learn about it that way...but even thinking of the words to say gives me the heebie jeebies...and I fear what Bart will say if I leave it up to him....mainly because he and I were raised so differently and I am not sure of how he learned about all that stuff...should make good conversation later though when I ask..LOL

I guess all I can do is do what I feel is right in my heart and hope for the best...I think kids are a reflection of their parents...If you raise them to know right from wrong...and teach them morals..and train them to have good character then you should be ok...but I have recently learned that is not a guarantee....there are other outside influences too...and I guess the best way to handle that is to sort of filter the friends and acquaintances that your kids have..a lot can be going on right under your nose and you don't even see it...

In the end it is not my job to be my kids friend....I am their mother...You cannot be both...I have told Austin that many times...of course I would love for them to feel like they can always come to me to talk but when red flags are raised there will be reactions on my part...I think that is part of the problem with some of the parents in the world today....they are too busy trying to be their kids friends.....they are afraid to parent the kids for fear the kids will be "mad" at them.....Personally I could care less if one of my kids gets mad at me...at the end of the day my kids know that I love them...and they are well cared for....and when they are grown they will thank me for the structure and limits they had set on them as kids...it will be what shapes and molds their character...

Just remember....if you don't shape their character someone else will....and there's a good chance it won't be the type of influence you want in the long run...

I know you can't put kids under glass for their whole life....I shudder to think of how much more stressed I would be with 3 daughters...now that thought just gives me chills...

I don't envy anyone who has to raise a daughter in these days and times....Gimme a smelly old boy any day...

Ok well enough rambling...Just wanted to put that out there...Any comments????


Posted by Catwmn :: 1:22 PM :: 0 Comments:

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Friday, March 03, 2006

An Update....

The past week has flown by like a blur...

My little sister and brother Esther and Levi came to visit me for a week. They got here on Thursday of last week and I dropped them at the bus station this morning at around 7..(well that was what time I left the station after they got on the bus...we actually got to the station at around 5:30am) We had a great week...(well mostly....Just kidding Levi..)I was kinda sad driving away...I wish we could have done more for fun...We did however get to take a tour next door at the wildlife refuge...and I think they really enjoyed that...and we all became addicted to the Sims 2...(Thanks Esther..Wink Wink)

Like I said...it seems like a blur when I think back on it...There was however lots of good conversation and I think Esther and I really bonded..You know the sister/sister kinda bond...She rocks....and she actually told me I rocked too when I was leaving them at the station...Aww...Cool!! Who would have ever thought little old me the hardass...no fun havin..30 year old mama would have ever had some one tell her she rocked...I was touched..

I have been up since 4am this morning and now the words on the screen are starting to melt together...therefore I think it is time for me to say goodbye for now and post more later on when I am fully conscious...now that I am reading this it sounds like gibberish...(well what do you expect after 4 hours of sleep??)

BTW..Levi...you left a large bag of green day stickers and silvertide stickers in my car...I will drop them in the mail to you sometime this weekend...

Love you guys and I hope you had fun..

Off for a nap now..


Posted by Catwmn :: 4:35 PM :: 0 Comments:

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