Monday, January 31, 2005
Happy Freakin Monday Morning To You Too!
I HATE Mondays...there is no other way to say that other than I absolutely LOATHE Mondays. I woke up more than an hour late today and now I have to rush around like the proverbial chicken with it's head cut off to get them dressed, fed, and to school on time. Mondays are also Counseling days at the United Way Family Service Center. That is the only part of Monday that I enjoy. From 10-11am I get to go in a room with "Curtis" who is my wonderful Counselor and vent, and bitch, and whine, for free for an hour. It is sublime. For that one hour a week I have someone's undivided attention just for me with no kids in the background screaming or cell phones or TV...Just me and Curtis. And usually by the time I get out of there I actually feel like I can make it through until the next monday again.
So here is a short synopsis of what is going on this week for me..
Monday- Counseling with Curtis at 10am.
Tuesday- Taking Aaron to the doctor for a disability determination appointment at 1:30pm in Conroe. God I hope we do ok for this one cause we cannot afford to lose his SSI check.
Wednesday- This is not only Groundhog Day it is my big brother Pat's birthday..I am going to try to call him but I do not think he is speaking to me so I doubt I will get to talk to him to wish him a happy birthday..(The not speaking to me part is a long story that I may put in a short post about sometime)
Thursday- Weight Watchers Weigh In at 6:30am and then spending the rest of the day with Mom hopefully if Bart can handle Christian and take him to school like I need him to..Otherwise I will be going to WW and coming home and being bored the rest of the day.
Friday- Nothing on the calendar yet but anything could pop up between now and then.
So that is my week in a nutshell so far...Wish me luck...I will be back on later on after I get the kids to school and get more coffee down my gullet....
Posted by Catwmn ::
7:43 AM ::
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