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Sunday, January 30, 2005

Ok This Is The Story...

Ok this is what happened yesterday with Randi. Randi has been one of my best friends for like 7 years. Ok so she met a guy named Chris (who will from here on out be named PIECE OF SHIT or POS) about 7 months ago at school in welding class and within a month she married him. Not what I would have done but she promised me that she was sure it was what she wanted and that they "just knew" that they were meant to be together forever..(famous last words)

So anyways Randi and POS have been married for 5 months...she found out about a month or two ago that she was pregnant..not the best of news but not horrible either. Everybody thought everything was groovy. She even went last week and had her first ultrasound and the Dr. thinks it is a girl!! Hooray since I have 3 boys and am desperate to buy something pink for a change..

Anyways long story short I get a weird phone call from Randi(who does not sound like herself when she calls) where she says that she needs to bring a vehicle to my house and then have me take her home later and she will explain everything when she gets here... To which I say "Ok"

So she shows up and as soon as I see her I know something terrible has happened and she starts sobbing that POS has been cheating on her the whole time that they have been married with some whore named nicole and now he has left her pregnant and alone. My blood started to boil and I started to tear up at the same time..My heart truly broke for her. So we sat on the porch for a couple of hours smoking cigs and talking shit about POS. She had letters that she had found in the truck from Whore to POS and even a nasty pair of panties that looked like they had been cut off of whoever was wearing them with a knife..(EWW)

Now the reason that the truck had to stay here after she left was because it is POS's truck. (only technically) The truth of the matter is that Randi's mom paid for the truck with her own money as a favor to POS and Randi so they would have two vehicles. POS to date has not paid back any of said money to MIL. When he left they had to go all the way to Pasadena to pick up the truck. So to keep him from knowing where it is it is here at my house.

So when I left to take her home we stopped at the local mexican food restaurant and pigged out and then I took her home and we talked some more and then I came home.

Basically POS is gone forever and now poor Randi is 5 months pregnant and going to end up having this baby alone and being a single mom. Bummer huh?

Posted by Catwmn :: 9:02 PM :: 0 Comments:

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