Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Ok so let's get one damn thing straight....Who the hell is this SPRING BREAK supposed to be for?? I mean pardon me but it certainly isn't a break for me....and the kids...well why do 6 and 8 year olds need a break?? I have been one giant ball of stress since I picked them up from school on Friday...and trust me this is not my fault...it is because I have two 6 year old boys(..yes twins)and one 8 year old boy ...if it's not one thing it's another...and to top it all off Bart is not going to have one single day off during the whole 9 day stretch....Joy...so guess who will be stuck in the house for 9 days straight with 3 severely overactive boys...You guessed it right...ME!!! The kids have already driven me to tears twice today....It wouldn't be so bad if they would just do ONE thing I asked them to do...help me pick up all their toys...but instead they have successfully destroyed what small part of the house I had cleaned already...(Sorry Mom and Jack but the house is just going to be messy...cause I GIVE UP!!!) (Begin Edited Paragraph) Now don't get me wrong...I love my kids dearly and love spending time with them...But 9 days straight 24/7 with 3 extremely active boys is enough to drive anyone crazy...I would give anything for maybe a two hour "me time" break in there every other day...to fit in a workout...or a bubble bath...whatever..I am sure I am not the only mother that feels this way...So being judged for showing stress on a blog is just wrong..(you know who you are) This is my arena..MY page to put MY feelings on...NOBODY has the right to judge me for what I write here or tell me that my feelings are wrong or unjust..Walk a day or two in my shoes and I am sure you will feel the same way...To comment that I must not love my kids or want to be with them is preposterous...I am just an overstressed mother who needs to vent from time to time..So there...It's out in the open now... (end edited Paragraph) And then there is Prissy...my no tailed calico cat that is fiercely in heat that puked on my bed today...GROSS!! So basically I feel like I am going insane...between the one cat who pees on stuff and the one cat who pukes on stuff...I just can't catch a break... Guess I just needed to vent.... Cat
Posted by Catwmn ::
6:38 PM ::
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