Friday, December 16, 2005
Well School Is Over...
Well..School is over until January 4. I spent the entire afternoon at the school with the kids.
First was Aaron's Christmas party. He was so excited to see me! He had a pile of cookies and cupcakes and chips and candy..He was covered in frosting! He had a wonderful time though and he had fun giving his gifts to his teachers.
Next was Christian's Party. I went in for about 20 minutes and sat with him while he ate Cheetos and a sandwich and then moved on to cupcakes and other holiday candy.
Then on to Austin's party...this is where things went south. When I walked in he ran to me and hugged me tight about the waist. I hugged him back and sat with him in my lap at his desk. He is placed away from the other kids for some reason which I will surely get to the bottom of as soon as school is back in session in January. His teacher did nothing but bark at him for the whole party which I could tell made him I did what any other good mother would do and yanked him out of his party and we went to McDonalds to have a party of our own. Complete with Ice cream!! I could tell he was grateful. I assure you that his teacher and I will have words after the Christmas break. She got each of the other kids in the class a stocking with candy in it and ran out before she got to Austin and didn't even apologize..she didn't even offer him the stocking she had reserved for some other little brat that was absent today. What a B^%CH!! I wanted to scratch her eyes out by the time I got him out of there. I actually cried a bit on the way to McDonalds but I didn't let Austin see that. How could someone be so cruel to a little boy. She even had the nerve to look at me and smile after barking at him. Needless to say I didn't smile back...Boy if looks could kill..
Anyways...That is today in a nutshell. We are all home now and I am back to my reality which is dishes and laundry and finding that damn dead rat smell.... Cya later. Cat
Posted by Catwmn ::
3:00 PM ::
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